LEDs, Sensors & Light Management
Through the installation of LEDs, sensors and light management systems at the VS locations, a reduction of 40% in electricity consumption was achieved last year. The Blu2Light light management system is used in many areas of the company's locations to ensure efficient lighting and to monitor this as well.

Cycle of reusable packaging materials
The introduction of reusable plastic holders when shipping LED modules is intended to reduce waste. The LED modules must be protected by plastic holders during transport. These plastic holders are part of a cycle and are returned to VS so that they can be reused for the next shipment.
Corporate climate protection is important to us - we are pleased to be a founding member of the new corporate climate protection network.
Within the network, climate protection measures are exchanged and improved, and suggestions for new opportunities are developed. The aim is to network companies for a more climate-conscious economy and to organise active contributions.
We at Vossloh-Schwabe would like to contribute to this with an environmentally friendly corporate culture and sustainable production processes. Energy-efficient lighting controls and building automation systems can support a climate-friendly working environment. We are openly committed to a climate-conscious economy and want to set the course for a future worth living.